Upcoming Events

Sun 2/16/25

Children's & Youth Discipleship

Sunday, 9:45 AM - 10:50 AM

Sunday School for children (age 3 - 5th grade) and youth (grades 6-12) is offered every Sunday morning.

Sun 2/16/25

Godly Play

Sunday, 11:05 AM - 12:00 PM

Children ages 3-year through 5th grade are invited to attend Godly Play.

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Sunday School

Various Sunday School options are available for children (age 3 - 5th grade) and youth (grades 6-12) in the Education Building and Youth Portable from 9:45-10:40 AM. Nursery care is provided for children from birth through pre-Kindergarten during the Sunday School hour and worship.


Children’s Department

The children's department uses Shine Curriculum, accompanied with The  Peace Table Bible. 



Sunday School Teachers

Jan Quesada and Bryan Chastain, Cooke Stokes, Theresa Helms, and Sarah Vickrey.

Godly Play

Godly Play is an educational enrichment program for children ages three through kindergarten. They attend the opening portion of the worship service with their parents then return with the Godly Play volunteers to the Children’s Education building until the conclusion of worship.



YOUTH Department

The youth department topics vary. We aim to create safe communal space for questions, curiosity, Biblical study, and discussing relevant topics. Often we will do creative activities to help us reflect on our inner lives and we always have time to share about our lives.


- Sixth through Twelfth Grade Leadership: Beth Johnson, Blake & Shannon Miller, Jessica Lamberth, and Jeff Hill


1st and 3rd Wednesday Programming

On Wednesday Nights we live our values of shared communal experiences, service, and disciple formation.


Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, Elementary aged children are invited to attend Wednesday evening Children's Choir from 6:00-7:00 PM. Meet in Vickrey Hall to start. Children will prepare to lead in occasional worship services. Following Children's Choir, children are invited to the Godly Play room for games and times to relationally connect till 7:30 PM. Contact Harry Wooten for more details.


Youth in grades six through twelve are invited to gather together at Royal Lane from 6;00 - 7:00 PM, every 1st and 3rd Wednesday night. This fall, we will share life together through fun and having time to share our "sunshines and clouds" in daily life, as well as sessions to deepen our familiarity with the Bible. These interactive "Exploring the Bible" sessions will help our youth to develop an understanding of the Bible's various sections, of how to find the stories, of how to look up topics they are curious about, and how to use the Bible for study and devotional purposes. Leadership regularly includes Beth Johnson, Jan Quesada, Scott Bryant, and Charlotte Sewell.


Besides the first and third Wednesday large group gatherings, we also have small groups gathering at homes, two times a month. Since we are a commuter church, we will rotate the location. These are low key and opportunities to invite friends to simply be together with trust adults and friends to care for our well being.

Here are youth special socials for the fall:

1. First Sunday lunch (following worship meet outside the Sanctuary)

2. Wednesday, September 25 - Board Game Party @ Royal Lane, 6:00 - 7:30 PM

3. Wednesday, October 30 - Pumpkin Carving Party @ Royal Lane, 6:00 - 7:30 PM

4. Wednesday, November 6 - Fireside Stories @ Royal Lane, 6:00 - 7:30 PM

Here are opportunities for youth and families to serve together:

1. Feed My Starving Children (details pending, contact Charlotte Sewell or the front office for details)

2. Birthday Party Project - Throughout the fall, we will make birthday cards, videos, and favor packs together. We encourage families to serve togethr to by going to their website and selecting dates that work.

3. Human Impact Lunch - We will partner with youth from "Life in Deep Ellum" to participate in a lunch served by Human Impact on Saturday, November 16.


All children and youth department teachers and volunteers are required to submit to a criminal background check and successfully complete comprehensive child-protection training. In addition, all nursery workers are CPR certified.